In Like a Lion Cookies

by Lora Wiley-Lennartz

One of my baking resolutions this year is to get much better at decorating cookies with the outline and flood method.  This month, I decided to enter March lion-hearted and finally face down my woeful lack of cookie decorating skills. I mean who has over 300 cookie cutters and almost zip skill in the cookie decorating department? Me. That’s who.


I am back home in my own kitchen for a while and looking forward to devoting some time to practicing. And you know what that means. I will be torturing all of you with the results.

For the past months, I have been plotting this, all the while collecting tutorials on cookie decorating. At the end of this post, I listed some of these helpful links for those of you who are also interested in discovering or improving your inner cookie artiste.


First up are these lions I did to welcome March.


After I completed the outline and flooding and let them dry for 24 hours I used the same color icing to pipe the mane and the tip of the tail.


Then I covered both parts in brown edible sparkle sugar.


To be honest, I was pretty happy with these until I tried to do details on the face. Here is where I fell off the cookie wagon. I don’t know if it was the jet lag, lack of sleep or both but I just couldn’t visualize a good way to finish them. I left them unfinished or a day or so occasionally circling around them hoping inspiration would hit me. It never happened. I ended up quickly and crudely finishing them and they turned out to be a bit of a hot mess in the end.


Not Proud of this Pride

Not a very grand start for this baking resolution. But I am forging ahead. In the next weeks, I plan to test drive various cookie and icing recipes from different very talented cookie artists. Here are the ones I used for the lions:


Lion Cookies

For the Cookies:

I used a sugar cookie recipe from the very talented Bridget at Bake at 350. Printable found HERE.

For the icing:I used SweetSugarBelle’sTop Secret Royal Icing recipe. If you haven’t already checked out her cookie blog, The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle, do so. It’s a real treat. This icing is very thick at first. You need to keep adding liquid to find the consistency that works for you for both outline and flooding.



Links to Cookie Decorating Tutorials:

Royal Icing General:

Decorating Sugar Cookies from Start to Finish:

  • Check out Callye’s guest posts over at Glorious Treats  Parts One and Two. Callye’s immense talent is matched by her generosity. From how to create zebra stripes to leopard patterns, she posts many wonderful tutorials to help readers try out her ideas.
  • I am Baker’s super talented Amanda’s post, Sugar Cookie Decorating 101
Alternatives to Royal Icing:

All Things Cookie Cutter:
Some Fun Rolled Cookie Recipes for Cutouts:

Many of us get stuck in a rut of decorating sugar or chocolate rollout cookies. There are tons of recipes out there for them. Here are some recipes I’ve collected from bloggers who took the rollout cookie to the next flavor level.

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Bonnie March 3, 2011 - 5:54 pm

These are sell-able. They look great. I love that you are offering your followers different recipes to try.

Anonymous March 3, 2011 - 1:49 pm

Awwww… I think your lions are adorable! The glittery manes are totally inspired. A friend just found out their expected baby is a boy and was asking for name suggestions. I offered Leith, which means 'lion cub' in Arabic. Fitting, as they are 1/2 Arab and live in South Africa. If they choose it, guess what I'm going to send them for the baby's birth?! Yup, your lion cookies. 🙂

Anonymous March 3, 2011 - 1:24 pm

So gorgeous, beautifully decorated lion cookies!

Joanne March 3, 2011 - 12:17 pm

For someone who says they're not a cookie maker, these look amazing! I am seriously impressed.

Juliana March 3, 2011 - 12:13 am

Wow, these lion cookies are just so pretty, lot eh pictures…awesome work 🙂

Ali March 2, 2011 - 3:15 pm

Your lion cookies look amazing! You should absolutely be proud of that pride. Rawr.

Thanks for linking to other rolled cookie recipes, too. As much as I love a plain iced sugar cookie, sometimes you just need to switch it up.


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